Walmart Curry
-- bag of frozen chicken (Any part of the bird you like. I usually use breasts because they require no preparation aside from cutting up to add in last.)
-- can of coconut milk
-- curry powder
-- frozen vegetables (I use the stir fry mix but sometimes use a peppers and onions mix that's awesome.)
-- optional ingredients -- crushed red pepper, minced garlic, water chestnuts, diced potatoes and/or bamboo shoots.
Put chicken in 350-375 degree oven. Pour stir fry in a pan. Add curry powder (as much as you want.)
Walk away for 45 minutes to an hour. Don't turn the burner on until the chicken is about halfway done.
Turn the burner on medium and thaw the vegetables. When they're thawed pour in the coconut milk. Turn the heat to low.
When the chicken is done chop it up and throw it in the pan with the vegetables.
There's your fucking dinner.
It took almost zero skill and is healthier than a McGangbang.
I don't know the macros of this dish, nor do I care to get them because it's real food and they're not important when your dish consists of nothing but meat, vegetables and fat.
Also, if you want to substitute something for the chicken do so. This would work with beef or fish.
This dish takes about an hour to make but you don't have to tend to it for about 45 minutes of that time.
Breakfast Meal that isn't fucking Pop Tarts
-- sausage
-- frozen peppers and onions (or fresh ones if you have the time.)
-- 3-6 eggs
-- optional ingredients -- potatoes, (I will sometimes use frozen, diced potatoes) spinach, and/or sweet potatoes (surprisingly, these work well.)
Put sausage in a pan. Turn heat to medium. If your sausage has a lot of fat, drain some off. When the sausage is about halfway done, add the peppers, onions and potatoes (if you're using them.) When the sausage is done and the potatoes are soft add your eggs. This is where most people mess up because they don't know how to cook a fucking egg.
Turn the burner to low. Not medium. Low.
Let the eggs cook slowly. If you have a lid, use it-- cover the pan and turn the burner almost off, stirring/turning occasionally. This should take about 10 minutes but the eggs won't be rubbery and burned.
This whole dish should take no more than 25-30 minutes from start to finish.
If you don't care about carbs, put this in a tortilla and add salsa.
I know sausage isn't the finest of meats, but it's better than Pop Tarts...
You could definitely substitute steak, chicken or some other meat for the sausage and it would be just as awesome.